A National Movement

The Grassroots Democracy Act H.R. 268

A comprehensive campaign finance reform proposal introduced by Rep. John Sarbanes. 

Empowering Citizens Act H.R. 6448

A bill calling for passage of comprehensive campaign reform to empower citizens in all federal elections and reduce the influence of outside groups such as Super PACs, introduced by Rep. David Price. 

Public Campaign

Public Campaign is dedicated to sweeping campaign reform that aims to dramatically reduce the role of big special interest money in American politics. Public Campaign is laying the foundation for reform by working with a broad range of organizations, including local community groups, around the country that are fighting for change and national organizations whose members are not fairly represented under the current campaign finance system – building a network of national and state-based efforts to create a powerful national force for federal and state campaign reform.

Public Citizen

Learn more about public funding of congressional elections would greatly reduce the influence of money in politics, Citizens United and ways to bring sunshine to campaign finance disclosure.

Common Cause

Common Cause is working diligently to expose the role of special interests and promote reforms that put democracy back in the hands of “we the people.” 

Free Speech for People

Free Speech For People works to challenge the misuse of corporate power and restore republican democracy to the people.

Move to Amend

Move to Amend is a coalition of hundreds of organizations and tens of thousands of individuals committed to social and economic justice, ending corporate rule, and building a vibrant democracy that is genuinely accountable to the people, not corporate interests.